Fish sorting machines

Nr kat/ Cat. nr Symbol


Długość/ Length [m] Szerokość/ Width [m] Wysokość/ Height [m] Wydajność/ Efficiency [t/h] Zapotrzebowanie na wodę/ Water requirements [l/s] Waga/ Weight [kg] Moc/ Power [kW]
4.1.1 SDK AFGM 0101 3,2 1 1,2 4 5 170 0,25
4.1.2 SDK AFGM 0105 3,3 1,55 1,3 6 7 390 0,25
4.1.3 SDK AFGM 0106 3,4 1,78 1,35 8 10 460 0,35
* wydajność jest uzależniona od wielkości ryb/ Efficiency depends on size of sorting fishes


Automatic machine

SDK AFGM 0101 – 3 row


  • Sorting fish for 3 groupsfrom 10 to 600 gram,
  • The sorting machine can be set with a knob according to the size of the sorting fish while working, which shorten the time of achieving accurate sorting,
  • The sorting machine has a regulation of tilting of the device,
  • The sorting elements are made of stainless rolling grates,
  • The sorting grates roll on the ball-bearing, and are moved by an electrical engine,
  • The strew chamber has the tilting angle regulation, and the slot size for fish sorting rolls regulation,
  • The following elements: the strew chamber, sorting chambers, and the sorting rolls covers are made of polyester-glass fiber laminate which provides perfect smooth surface and very easy keeping cleanness,
  • During each phase of sorting fish is sprinkled with water, which amount can be easy controlled with valves,
  • The device has pneumatic wheels, which allows one person to remove the sorting machine around a farm.

Technical data:

Dimensions:L(length)x B(width)x H(height) 3,2 m x 1 m x 1,2 m;
Weight: 170 kg;
Water demand ~ 5 l/s ( depending on the distance of fish transportation after sorting),
Electric connection 1 phase. 220 V, or 3 phase 380V
Power: 250 W.

Automatic machine
SDK AFGM 0105 – 5 row


  • Sorting fish for 3 groupsfrom 10 to 600 gram,
  • The sorting machine can be set with a knob according to the size of the sorting fish while working, which shorten the time of achieving accurate sorting,
  • The sorting machine has a regulation of tilting of the device,
  • The sorting elements are made of stainless rolling grates,
  • The sorting grates roll on the ball-bearing, and are moved by an electrical engine,
  • The strew chamber has the tilting angle regulation, and the slot size for fish sorting rolls regulation,
  • The following elements: the strew chamber, sorting chambers, and the sorting rolls covers are made of polyester-glass fiber laminate which provides perfect smooth surface and very easy keeping cleanness,
  • During each phase of sorting fish is sprinkled with water, which amount can be easy controlled with valves,
  • The device has pneumatic wheels, which allows one person to remove the sorting machine around a farm.

Technical data:

Dimensions:L(length)x B(width)x H(height) 3,3 m x 1,55 m x 1,3 m;
Weight: 390 kg;
Water demand ~ 7l/s ( depending on the distance of fish transportation after sorting),
Electric connection 3 phase. 400 V,
Power: 250 W.

Hand sorting machine

Nr kat./Cat. nr Symbol/Name Długość/Length (m) Szerokość/Width (m) Wysokość/Height (m) Wydajność/Efficiency (t/h) Zapotrzebowanie na wodę/Water requirements (l/s) Waga/Weight (kg)
4.2.1 SDK FSM 2S 1,68 0,95 0,85 1,5 4 65
4.2.2 SDK FSM 3S 1,9 1,05 1,3 1 4 90




Features :

  • Sorting fish into 2 or 3 groups from 10 to 450 gr
  • It is possible to set 16 sorts in two sorting chambers
  • The sorting chambers have rolling grates made of polished stainless steel
  • Permanent sprinkle process while sorting fish
  • Possibly of water amount regulation needed for sorted fish transportation
  • Mechanical support of sorting chambers lifting
  • Easy moving of the sorting machine around the farm


Technical data  :

Dimensions:L(length)x B(width)x H(height) : 1,9 m x 1,05 m x 1,3 m,

Weight:90 kg;

Water demand ~ 4l/s ( depending on the distance of fish transportation after sorting),

Sorting machine for fray



  • The sorting machine is purpoosed to hand sorting of fray from 10 to 200 gram
  • The sorting machine has sorting pipes made of stainless steel with diameter of 25 mmm
  • The device has water system connected to the sorting chambers
  • The sorting machine has height lifting regulation, which is important for the speed and accuracy of the sorting fish

Technical data  :

Dimensions:L(length)x B(width)x H(height) : 2,4 m x 0,7 m x 1,1 m,

Weight: 62 kg;

Water demand ~ 2l/s ( depending on the distance of fish transportation after sorting),

Cradle sorting machine


The sorting machine is for hand fish sorting 8 to 110 gr.

There are sorting grates added to the sorting machine made of PVC pipes with the slots dimensions : 6-16 mm

The sorting machines are made in two version : the standard one and the floating one.

Sorting to hatch


Technical data  :

Dimensions: 460mm x 460mm h-16

Sorting the grid dimensions : 190mm x 205mm

we custom sorting grids : od 2mm to 5 mm